Important terminologies
1. Crop - When same kind of plants are grown on a large scale.
Process of Production and Management:
1. Levelling of land
2. Sowing seeds
3. Fertiliser
4. Irrigation
5. Weeding
6. Harvesting
7. Storage
Crops are of two types:
A. Kharif Crops: Grown in rainy season. June-September. eg: Paddy, Maize, Groundnut, Cotton.
B. Rabi Crops: Grown in winter season. October-March. eg: Wheat, pea, linseed, mustard.
Manure: It is a naturally created compost which provides nutrients and humus to the soil. It makes soil porous which makes it easier for earthworms and other insects to live in the soil.
Fertilisers: It is chemical based product which helps in enriching soil with nurtrients. It is not as productive as Manure as it decreases soil fertility in long run. The soil doesn't stay loose and humus is not created. eg: NPK, ammonium, potassium, Nitrogen etc.
"Kisan ugaata hai to desh khata hai!"